LWVN Position on Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Services
The LWV of Nashville (LWVN) stands with the national League in calling for the U.S. Congress to enact legislation to restore the reproductive rights previously guaranteed by Roe v. Wade as soon as possible.
Read the Executive Summary HERE
Read the Full Position HERE
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Knowledge and Advocacy
We need your help to support the democratic process!
We regularly organize a wide variety of events, including Hot Topics in Davidson County that inform local citizens about legislative issues and Action Alerts that let you know when your help is needed on these issues.
Sign up for “The Nashville Voter” to get all the updates on time.
Take a look at ways you can take action and join the League.

The 2020 Census
Mandated by the Constitution, the Census is conducted every 10 years and is used to apportion government resources and representation based on population counts. It directly affects how much money is available to your community.
With Nashville’s explosive growth it is especially important that everyone makes sure they are counted, so we can get the resources we need.
Visit the 2020 Census website to learn more.
Protect the Voting Rights Act
In 2013 the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 enabling voter suppression through unreasonable voter ID laws, voter registration restrictions, voter purges, large-scale felony disenfranchisement, and gerrymandering of voting districts
Congress recently passed the Voting Rights Advancement Act aimed at restoring the protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Tell your Senators to support the Voting Rights Advancement Act and do their duty to protect our democracy!