Defend Voting Rights
- Register to vote.
- Help somebody else register by sharing the link to our step-by-step online registration guide.
- Remind your friends of upcoming dates for absentee and early voting.
- Use social media to promote voting and hashtags such as #ivoted, #myfirstvote, and #whyivote.
- Identify new venues to register and educate first time voters in underserved communities.
- Be a trained voter registration volunteer for scheduled community events.
- Join our Voter Engagement Task Force to share ideas to increase Nashville voter turnout.
- Translate LWVN voter information handouts for English as a Second Language citizens.
- Create tabletop reminders about online voter registration with the app for GoVoteTN and promote their use in Nashville restaurants.
- Help the League fight voter suppression.
- Contact your senators to secure our elections!
Contact LWVN at to find out when the next voter registration activity will take place.
“I want to support an organization whose mission sponsors nonpartisan activities, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.”
Participate in Action Alerts
- Contact your state legislator in response to LWVTN-issued action alerts.
- Contact your US representatives or senators in response to nationally issued LWV action alerts.
- Share LWVN postings on social media.
Engage in “Hot Topics”
- Invite a friend to join you for a monthly hot topics program (first Friday at noon or second Wednesday at night).
- Promote the Hot Topics programs at your place of work.
- Write the press releases for Hot Topics programs.
- Be the videographer for Hot Topics programs.
- Assist the LWVN vice president to identify and invite hot topics speakers.
- Welcome attendees at one of Hot Topics programs.
Email us at if you are available to help.
“As voter suppression increases with every election through discriminatory voter ID laws, partisan and racial gerrymandering, long voter lines, and voter purge activity. I wanted to get involved to allow everyone access to the voter ballot on a local, state and national level. Voting is the core of our democracy.”
Support the Democratic Process
- Observe county election commission meetings.
- Be a trained poll-watcher for upcoming elections.
- Practice and promote civil discourse.
Contact us at to learn more.
Learn News Skills and Gain New Insights
- Attend Advocacy Training with LWVTN Lobbyist Stewart Clifton (upcoming dates TBA).
- Learn about local, state and national-level candidates running for office at Vote411 (nonpartisan resource by the LWVUS).
- Sign up for our newsletter The Nashville Voter.
- Attend candidate forums (dates are listed on our Vote411 website) and other events to learn more about the people who are listed on your ballot.
- Help organize a book club and discuss topics that give insight on public policies.
Email us at if you are interesting in supporting us.
“In order to function well, democracy requires well-informed, voting citizens. That means that each citizen, ideally, will know and assess issues of public policy on every level of government. I’m not, by myself, capable of obtaining and disseminating accurate information in the many areas which concern me; with the League of Women Voters, I can.”
Encourage and Educate the Next Generation
- Help with high school civics class registration and presentations.
- Help organize school board candidate forums (upcoming dates to TBA).
- Support voting registration in Davidson County, by providing the resources first time voters need.
Contact Perry Macdonald at if you are available to help.
Collaborate with the LWVN
Let us know about your “Hot Topic” and local “Action Alert”.
- Help us cross-promote efforts and events with like-minded groups.
“The LWVN’s partnerships are, I believe, vital to its work of supporting informed and active participation in public life. Partnering locally with other civic-minded groups expands its educational efforts exponentially and partnering with other Leagues throughout the country to support the Vote 411 initiative provides essential and easily accessible voting information for all its citizens. ”