Area of Focus: Education

The League of Women Voters is involved in Education in three ways:

  • Advocacy
  • Voter Registration
  • Engaging Students in Civic Life

The League believes that every child has a right to a public education that adequately addresses the needs of all learners. Tennessee currently funds its students at about $4,000 less, per pupil, than the national average. We rank in the bottom five states in the nation for education funding and must improve.


Why it Matters

Tennessee’s graduation rates are 88.7% and the percentage of students who complete any college, technical or vocational training hovers around 58%. In the area of academic achievement, 27.8% of students are not at grade level in reading and math. 33.5% percent of students are economically disadvantaged. We must fund our public education system at a level appropriate to make improvements across all these numbers, while also ensuring that schools are supported in a way that encourages teacher attraction and retention. The state is currently reviewing school funding and the League is a part of the statewide effort to push for a large increase in investment as part of the state budget.

Here are some things that the LWVN is doing at this time:

  • Monitoring current and upcoming legislation regarding education and education funding, and sharing with members how to take swift and accessible action via Action Alerts
  • Collaborating with the LWVN Voter Services committee to hold traditional voter registration events at the high school level, as well as additional interest-building activities
  • Building relationships and assessing needs at the school level, to create events and opportunities to engage students in how democracy works and the importance of being an engaged citizen

What You Can Do

  • Join the League of Women Voters Nashville to be a part of efforts related to education on the local, state, and national Anyone 16 and older can join. Click here to become a member.
  • Visit The State Board of Education to learn more about the school funding process.
  • Join the league to receive Action Alerts and share them among fellow public-school advocates so that our message reaches legislators.
  • Volunteer to register students to vote at a local high school with the LWVN.

