Observer Corps is a structured way for individuals to learn how government works and to share that information with others. By attending public meetings of state or local governmental bodies, observers 1) learn about the issues facing their community, and 2) are empowered to take action when warranted. At the same time, their presence encourages more transparent and accountable government and connects government officials with their constituents.
Observers attend governmental meetings, note what happens, and report back to the League and community. This non-partisan, unbiased information helps to foster confidence in government and allow the broader community to gain a better understanding of the actions of boards, committees, and governing bodies that impact our community.
LWV volunteers represent our non-partisan organization by:
- Being courteous
- Wearing a LWV button
- Saving any personal agendas and political opinions for another day
- Remembering that only LWV presidents and/or their designated spokesperson can officially speak on behalf of the League
- Sharing brief summaries of your observations that LWV will post
- Alerting Barbara Gay if you observe an issue that calls for an organizational response from LWV
A complete local listing of boards, commissions, and elected governing bodies can be found at Many of these meetings may also be viewed on Government Access Channel Comcast Cable Channel 3.
State legislative committees can be found at
Observer Corps volunteers routinely observe and report on meetings of the Davidson County Election Commission and the Tennessee Election Commission. For more information about how and when you can volunteer, contact Barbara Gay (